Fuck ohio

ohio state has not beaten Michigan in football for

ohio Free Zone!

If you’re reading this, there is a SOLID chance that you also don’t have a favorable opinion of ohio. You are not alone! My hatred for the state of ohio and ohio state athletics has been a lifelong ordeal. Even at a young age, before I cared about football, I can remember times of driving to Florida from Michigan and how TERRIBLE the ohio portions of the drives always were. I never knew why they were so bad and unbearable until my later years. Now I am a 22-year-old College Football junkie who thought it would be funny as hell to own Fuckohio.net… Well, here we are. I’ll be honest; I don’t really have a main objective for what this site will serve as long-term, so if you do have suggestions, please let me know in the forums! Check out my social media!